
Report Truckee’s Code Enforcement Abuse HERE

Please share your experiences. Find the report form below that fits your needs (click it twice, slowly!) … because shining a light everywhere keeps everyone honest. We will investigate any and all leads to bad behavior. To read about our investigation so far, visit our homepage.

Dear Local Truckee Homeowner,

Has your home or living situation been put at risk due to Truckee Code Compliance violations? Take this 5 min questionnaire, and let us know your story. Your report stays 100% confidential, because your privacy is very important to us.

Dear Truckee Business Owner,

Has your local business suffered damages from lost time, money or opportunities due to Truckee Code Compliance violations? Take this 5 min questionnaire, and let us know your story. Your report stays 100% confidential, because your privacy is very important to us.

Dear Truckee Town Employee,

Have you witnessed unethical behavior involving the Town of Truckee Employees and Council Members? Please let us know your story. Your report will be emailed directly to our lawyer to build our case, and any legal proceedings are strictly confidential. Your reports will be under the strictest protection.

Dear Truckee Parent or Educator,

How is our School Board doing, anyway? Please let us know. Your reports will be under the strictest protection.

Dear HOA Homeowner,

How is your HOA board doing? Let us know! This form is here due to popular demand.

Stay Connected!

To get the latest news, signup for our newsletter, or (new!) follow us on facebook or instagram. Read the full investigation at www.notothecode.org. Thank you sincerely for your time and involvement. Cheers to a better future for Truckee’s community.

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